Andy Arzua...

In the top left we have Klass Op de Beek; to the right we have
Big Tom Brennan; and to the bottom we have Issac Klunk.

Here is one of Jud Livley...I really like where this
one went with the whole creepy factor.

to the top is a korean, her name is Spring Lee
and at the bottom is Lindsey.
This is What I did at the annual Caricature Convention
in Sandusky, OH
I'm really happy with what I produced at the CON
I didnt expect to do what I did. Alot of people were
turned off to my style but there were some who
found it different. I do agree it is a bit different, but
I was trying somthing different; I hope that I can do
well next year it is a real challenge to see people this way
but I think it was good excercise.
I'm really impressed by the works you have done at the con. Great style. Great sense of observation. Keep posting. Guido